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Champion Your Gifted Child

Jan 29, 2021

A struggling self-esteem will become your child's inner voice who will be affirming on repeat negative thoughts & self-concepts.

Our action plan is 3-fold.

1-Challenge and Create a positive environment to our child’s self-concepts. Managing the environment and their interpretation about the environment

In the Munich...

Jan 20, 2021

Are you ready for a radically different definition of giftedness? 

Let me introduce you to Carlos Tinoco, himself gifted, former teacher of philosophy and psychoanalyst. In his book, “ Intelligents, too Intelligents”, this Italian French philosopher is redefining giftedness in ways that are way outside of our...

Jan 2, 2021

Will 2021 be our year? A year of breakthroughs and confident, progressive and supportive parenting? 

It is up to us. In this episode I will share my process to set up intentions for the year. 

We are going to give up resentments and deciding to clear out what doesn’t work. 

We are going to understand what lights us up...